What's up?


Oct 17, 2024
How is everyone? Was searching around for a gaming forum and liked the look of this one so I joined up. My name is Grey and I have been gaming since I was probably like 5 years old. I started with SNES and had basically every console since then. I still have all of them too, just in storage. I plan on hunting down and older TV to set up a retro room when I move. Should be a lot of fun.
Hey! Welcome to GC! It’s nice to have you here, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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Hi and welcome Grey. Wow I would like to see photos once you get your retro room in place. Any forums you need adding please let me know.
I'll post some for sure. It is going to take some time and I am not in any rush. I want to make it perfect with every detail. I plan on doing retro furniture too.
How is everyone? Was searching around for a gaming forum and liked the look of this one so I joined up. My name is Grey and I have been gaming since I was probably like 5 years old. I started with SNES and had basically every console since then. I still have all of them too, just in storage. I plan on hunting down and older TV to set up a retro room when I move. Should be a lot of fun.
Welcome to the community!